Monday, April 04, 2005

Maurice Clarett

Is it vindictive of me to be laughing at this little brat? Even if it is I don't care. I am so very very pleased.


amberance said...

As the NFL is not a government institution, Timmy, I really don't see how military service draft eligability relates to professional football league draft eligability. It doesn't even matter since he is eligable now anyway. I'm just gleeful on principle. He's a whiny crybaby who fucked up and doesn't have the integrity to own up to it. I hope he can't hack it and sucks.

Cryptic, honey-pie: Yes the AFL is indeed full of tough guys, but from a girly perspective I'd like to point out that none of them have any teeth. I like my boys with teeth. Just sayin'.

amberance said...

Get off your horse Timmy, really.
1. You can't compare the NBA to the NFL. I'm not even going to get into the toll that is taken on a football player's body versus that of a basketball player. They are two different leagues in two different sports with two different sets of rules. If Maurice Clarett wanted to play professional sports right out of high school, he should have been practicing at the free throw line.
2. Football careers can be remarkably short. A career ending injury suffered in training camp your rookie year would have you rethinking that whole "college degrees are for suckers" crap real quick. Athletic talent does not make a person invincible - everyone should have a fall back plan.
3. Maurice Clarett is a shining example of the "mememe" generation, nearly all of whom have a well developed sense of entitlement and the belief that the world owes them something - especially a living. None of this would ever have been an issue if he hadn't broken team rules, not to mention a number of laws, and then gotten caught. Trying to litigate his way around facing the consequences of his actions is pure cowardice. To borrow an argument from you, if he's old enough to go kill Iraqis, then he's old enough to take responsibility for his own mistakes.
4. Having said that, let me again point out that despite being known by its three letter acronym, the NFL is NOT an agency of the U.S. Government.