Tuesday, January 10, 2006

MySpace is a Liar, but They Make Up for it with Pacman

MySpace e-mailed me to tell me I had a message from Kelly. Great! I thought. Hmm. No. Because I tried to log in to MySpace and was told the following: "Site will be down for maintenance from 2:15AM PST to around 5:00AM PST. January 10, 2006."

Well, very nice. Except it was about 2:15 PM Central when I attempted this, which would make it 12:15 PM Pacific. Maintenance should have been finished hours ago. ALL LIES!

However, they have made amends. They did this by placing a traditional Pacman game, complete with original arcade sounds, on the welcome screen just under the Big Fat Lie. So now I'm surreptiously playing Pacman.

On an unrelated note, hot chocolate is so much better when you make it with milk instead of water.


Anonymous said...

they do that a lot...

i've never played the pacman though... maybe next time...

hot chocolate is MUCH better with milk...

Michelle said...

How is is I have never noticed the Pacman?